Catching the Sun, Part 6

"So, Admiral Lors," the Emperor asked in a conversational tone, "this is your entire plan for defending Endragar?" The Emperor and his SCIAF were in a planning room deep within the Imperial Palace. A massive, holographic galactic star chart was displayed over the main table in the room, on which a dozen tablets were strewn, … Continue reading Catching the Sun, Part 6

The Bull and the Hyena, Part 13

"Five minutes until Midigal, Captain," said Kryla Zomulin's navigation officer. She nodded and turned to Admiral Lors, who was standing on the platform behind her. "All ships are reporting ready for action, sir," she said to the Admiral. He nodded to her, and turned and made his way off the bridge to his post in … Continue reading The Bull and the Hyena, Part 13

The Bull and the Hyena, Part 10

Everything was going according to Vor Shen's plans. Ventelin's announcement of the foundation of the Kingdom of Midigal had caused an uproar across the galaxy. Despite the fact that the Empire had been broken into several pieces for almost four years now, it still seemed shocking to some that anybody would dare break it up … Continue reading The Bull and the Hyena, Part 10

A Song of Sorrow, Part 14

Without knowing the situation in the Imperial Palace, Emperor Extrator decided that it would be best to land his troops at Venemas Station, a military base on the outskirts of Selorin. He was standing on an observation deck overlooking the vast area where his dropships were landing and his troops were disembarking. The operation was … Continue reading A Song of Sorrow, Part 14